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Shore hardness measurements subject rubber bodies to standardized indentations. While easily performed, the measurements are subject to uncertainties. Although typical variances for Shore hardness are found in standards, operator and instrument effects are not well described, requiring statistically designed experiments to estimate effects and variance components. This paper focuses on uncertainty in Shore A hardness measurements of tyre tread elements and quantifies operator and instrument effects. Evaluation of uncertainty of Shore A measurements were performed on tyres under controlled conditions using three instruments, two tyres and five operators. Results show that the operator variance component and instrument effects are larger than the reference variance contribution in ISO 11819-3:2017. The interaction between operator and instrument is estimated to be the largest source of variation, while operator and instrument main effects are of similar size as the error component. Recommendations to reduce uncertainties include ignoring instantaneous values and requiring an instrument stand.
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Evaluation of uncertainty on Shore hardness measurements of tyre treads and
implications to tyre/road noise measurements with the Close Proximity meth-
Tiago Vieira, Joacim Lundberg, Olle Eriksson
PII: S0263-2241(20)30420-6
Reference: MEASUR 107882
To appear in: Measurement
Received Date: 11 February 2020
Revised Date: 24 March 2020
Accepted Date: 21 April 2020
Please cite this article as: T. Vieira, J. Lundberg, O. Eriksson, Evaluation of uncertainty on Shore hardness
measurements of tyre treads and implications to tyre/road noise measurements with the Close Proximity method,
Measurement (2020), doi:
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Evaluation of uncertainty on Shore hardness measurements of tyre treads and implications to
tyre/road noise measurements with the Close Proximity method
Tiago Vieira a,b, *, Joacim Lundberg a,b, Olle Eriksson a
a: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), Olaus Magnus vaeg 35, SE 58195, Linkoeping, Sweden
b: Department of Building Materials, Brinellvaegen 23, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE 10044, Stockholm, Sweden
Shore hardness measurements subject rubber bodies to standardized indentations. While easily
performed, the measurements are subject to uncertainties. Although typical variances for Shore
hardness are found in standards, operator and instrument effects are not well described, requiring
statistically designed experiments to estimate effects and variance components. This paper focuses
on uncertainty in Shore A hardness measurements of tyre tread elements and quantifies operator and
instrument effects.
Evaluation of uncertainty of Shore A measurements were performed on tyres under controlled
conditions using three instruments, two tyres and five operators. Results show that the operator
variance component and instrument effects are larger than the reference variance contribution in ISO
11819-3:2017. The interaction between operator and instrument is estimated to be the largest source
of variation, while operator and instrument main effects are of similar size as the error component.
Recommendations to reduce uncertainties include ignoring instantaneous values and requiring an
instrument stand.
Keywords: hardness, tyre, Shore A, uncertainty, variation, CPX hardness correction
1 Introduction
Tyres are a complex construction with several different materials that are designed to work together
in order to fulfil different performance demands, including friction, noise, rolling resistance and wear,
among others. It is usually time consuming and more expensive to rely on laboratory measurements
only when evaluating mechanical properties of tyres. An alternative to a viscoelastic characterization
of the rubber material found in the tyre tread is the Shore hardness measurement. Shore hardness is
an easily measurable variable that describes how a rubber body reacts when a standardized indenter
is pressed against it.
The hardness values are relevant technological properties, however, and as highlighted by Petik (1983)
they are not a physical quantity and cannot be expressed in terms of SI units. This means that the
hardness values are not additive and are not multiples of a unit of measurement. They should rather
be interpreted by relative distances between points on the same scale, i.e. 80 Shore A should not be
interpreted as twice as hard as 40 Shore A. Additionally, hardness measurements are not repeatable
at the exact same place in the sense that the test itself causes local changes in the material at the
tested point (Petik, 1990), which would therefore lead to a different hardness value if this exact point
were to be tested again. This is further emphasised in ISO 868:2003 (International Organization for
* e-mail addresses: Tiago Vieira (corresponding author):, Joacim Lundberg:, Olle Eriksson:
Standardization, 2003b), which states that there is no simple relationship between indentation
hardness and any fundamental properties of the material tested. Even though some relationships
between hardness values and material properties can be found in the literature, e.g. Mix and Giacomin
(2011), it is clearly stated by the authors that such relationships are only valid under given conditions
and should be used with care. Mix and Giacomin (2011) suggest inspecting the indented surface and
only used the proposed relationships if no severe imprint from the test indenter is found. Qi et al.
(2003) modelled the Shore hardness indentation with a nonlinear finite element model and the results
matched the measured Shore values. They point out that the effect of a limited elastomeric chain
extensibility can be relevant and that this effect removes the possibility of a one-to-one mapping
between elastic modulus and Shore hardness.
The Shore hardness measurement is a traditional method used in the rubber industry in order to
characterize rubber materials. As indicated by Brown (2006), the test results are affected by the
operator, the time of application and deviations from a perfectly elastic behaviour (e.g. filled rubbers
such as tyre treads) despite correct calibration and measurements according to the standard testing
procedure. Spetz (1993) examined the repeatability of hardness measurements on rubber materials
and concluded that the operator was the main source of variability. Brown and Soekarnein (1991)
investigated the different sources of variability in rubber hardness measurements and concluded that
the operator substantially accounts for the observed variations. Mohamed and Aggag (2003)
examined the uncertainty of Shore hardness testers and reported standard uncertainty values for
different sources, including the instrument inclination, the instrument resolution, temperature
variation effect on the force transducer, and repeatability effect, among others. The authors show
that an instrument misalignment of 0.1° leads to an error of 0.628 Shore A.
Measuring hardness of tyres poses additional difficulties when compared to the tests commonly used
in the rubber industry, as the operator must press the instrument on a tyre tread element and not on
a rubber sample. It is often the case that the instrument's foot covers a larger area than the tread
element on the tyre. When the instrument is handheld the measurement uncertainty is even more
affected by the operator, as the result depends on how the instrument is pressed against the tread
element. This difficulty is increased further for studded winter tyres as it is difficult to find a large
enough area on the tyre tread to perform the measurement given the increased siping and presence
of the protruding studs.
Shore A hardness is used, for instance, when the acoustical performance of a tyre/pavement system
is characterized with the Close Proximity (CPX) method, as standardized by ISO 11819-2 (International
Organization for Standardization, 2017a). This standard utilises two reference tyres, the SRTT tyre
(named P1) and the Avon AV4 tyre (named H1). As the tyre ages, its mechanical properties change,
mostly due to exposure to ozone and oxygen and due to mechanical wear (Gent and Walter, 2005).
The Shore A hardness was selected as the method to take tyre ageing and wear into account when
measuring tyre/pavement noise with the CPX method. Therefore, the uncertainty in the rubber
hardness measurements on tyres directly affects the uncertainty of noise levels obtained by the CPX
method. Despite the involved uncertainties, this method is nevertheless relatively easy to measure on
tyres and has a correlation with the ageing process, as indicated by Sandberg and Ejsmont (2007).
Sandberg and Glaeser (2008) evaluated the Shore hardness change in a period of 30 weeks during
which six different tyre models were tested. Each tyre model was represented by a total of five
nominally identical tyres, four being in new condition and one being worn down to a remaining tread
depth of 2 mm. The tyres were exposed to controlled temperature conditions of 55 °C in a climate
chamber and it was concluded that the hardness increases more during the first 17 weeks, after which
it continues to increase, though at a lower rate. Bühlmann et al. (2013) evaluated the Shore hardness
of two P1 and two H1 reference tyres used in CPX measurements. The tyres were new yet subjected
to run-in according to ISO 11819-3:2017 (International Organization for Standardization, 2017b). The
authors observed a hardness increase of up to 6.3 Shore A in a period of approximately 7 months
during which each tyre ran a distance of approximately 3 000 km under air temperatures between
5 °C and 32 °C. (Ho et al., 2013) reported a Shore hardness increase of 8.3 Shore A in the period of 12
months using a tyre exposed to environmental conditions in Hong Kong, with an average temperature
of 23 °C and average humidity of 79 %. Oddershede and Kragh (2014) analysed the relation between
the tyre/road noise as measured by the CPX method (International Organization for Standardization,
2017a) and the Shore hardness concluding that the measured noise level is affected by the tyre's
hardness at an average rate of 0.09 dB/Shore A. (Bühlmann et al., 2018a) used a dataset of 172
tyre/road noise measurements and concluded that the relationship between noise increase and
hardness increase is tyre specific, meaning that different tyres will have different noise level increases
as the Shore hardness increases. The tyre rubber hardness is also included when modelling tyre/road
noise (Li et al., 2018, , Forssén et al., 2018).
A comparison of Shore hardness results was carried out by Kragh et al. (2010) using 3 different
instruments and 10 different tyres. The reported results imply a difference between operators and
instruments, even though the statistical significance was unclear. The tyres were conditioned to a
temperature between 20 and 21 °C. Not all operators used all instruments and it should be
emphasized that the measurements were carried out before the CPX standard was published. The
Dutch CPX Round Robin test performed in 2017 also indicated the importance of correcting the
tyre/pavement noise values by the tyres' Shore hardness values (Peeters et al., 2018). The use of a
Shore hardness correction for the CPX method was also evaluated by Wehr et al. (2018) by analysing
46 CPX measurements with 4 reference tyres having the same model (SRTT reference tyre) and
performing a combined Shore hardness-temperature correction. The authors concluded that the
combined hardness-temperature correction could lead to a higher precision when evaluating the
acoustical properties of road surfaces. They also commented on the importance of the already
expected uncertainty in the measurements of the tyre hardness parameter. In Bühlmann et al. (2018b)
the authors compiled data from several tyre/pavement noise results to analyse the effect of rubber
hardness. The results from a total of 172 data points indicated a median effect of 0.13 dB/Shore A for
the SRTT tyre, however with a rather large spread. In a later work, Bühlmann (2019) analysed a dataset
of tyre hardness results for CPX measurements between 2013 and 2016. The results indicated that the
Shore hardness values were not normally distributed and had a standard deviation of 1.6 Shore A for
both reference tyres, i.e. tyre SRTT and tyre Avon AV4. Moreover, the author concluded that this
variation in rubber hardness is the factor that contributes the most to the uncertainty in the CPX
measurements, up to 0.7 dB.
The Shore hardness measurement is a relevant method, both in the rubber industry and when
evaluating tyre properties, when a simple and easily available method is desirable. As a pneumatic
tyre has non-linear viscoelastic behaviour (Gent and Walter, 2005), it is not expected that Shore
hardness can fully capture all properties of the filled rubber in the tyre tread. Some small modifications
in the Shore hardness measurements have proven to give more comprehensive results. An example is
shown by Kucherskii and Kaporovskii (1997) who proposed a method of hardness measurement under
constant deformation, which means that the indenter penetrates the specimen at a fixed depth. These
authors obtained a linear relationship between the modified hardness values and the rubber elastic
modulus. Austrell and Aylin (2012) used a modified Shore hardness measurement, a number of
different indentation depths and a finite element simulation, and successfully obtained the rubbers´
hyperelastic constants from the Shore hardness tests.
Instead of using a handheld instrument, another approach to evaluate Shore hardness and even the
magnitude of the complex modulus of elasticity for rubber materials has been shown by Sherif and
Almufadi (2018). The method proposed by these authors consists of subjecting the rubber specimen
to an impact by a steel sphere and measuring the time of contact and maximum force due to contact.
The results indicated good agreement with the specimen's Shore A values obtained by a conventional
hardness instrument mounted on a test stand.
1.1 Objectives
This paper examines the variation associated with the operator and instrument effects of the Shore A
hardness measurement on pneumatic tyres, as well as the implication of uncertainties in the resulting
tyre/pavement noise levels as measured by the CPX method. Interactions between operator and
instruments and between operator and tyres were also considered in this research. The instruments
used here are commonly used to measure tyre hardness and the operators had different levels of
experience in measuring Shore hardness of tyres. An additional study was performed using only one
instrument and two operators in order to evaluate if the so-called hardness drift is in a linear
relationship to the logarithm of time when measuring hardness of tyre treads. Finally, the possibility
of using this hardness drift effect to reduce uncertainties associated with the Shore hardness
measurement of tyres is considered.
1.2 Limitations
It should be stressed that the validity of the function that relates Shore hardness to a noise correction
factor in the CPX method is not evaluated here. The temperature-hardness dependency is not
examined in this paper, and neither is the relationship between Shore hardness and rubber's
rheological properties. The authors did not expect that Shore measurements can substitute for the
much more comprehensive master curves. It is nevertheless a relevant and easily performed
measurement that directly impacts, for instance, tyre/pavement noise measurements.
2 Hardness measurement and uncertainties
2.1 The Shore A hardness indenter
To characterize rubber hardness an indentation is commonly performed with a rigid indenter having
a prescribed shape and loading (Gent, 2013). Among the different hardness scales available, the Shore
A hardness is measured with a steel indenter having a truncated cone shape with a diameter of 0.79
mm and an angle of 35° (International Organization for Standardization, 2003b) , see Figure 1. A lower
hardness leads to higher penetration depth of the rubber surface, from Shore A hardness of 0, leading
to a maximum indentation depth of 2.5 mm up to a hardness of 100, leading to an indentation of 0
mm (International Organization for Standardization, 2003b).
Figure 1. The steel indenter of a Shore A hardness measurement device. The full protrusion height h, the circumference ø, and
the angle α with measurements accord with the standard ISO 868:2003 (International Organization for Standardization,
2.2 The Shore A hardness measurement and the CPX method
The Shore hardness measurement is delineated by several different standards depending on the
desired application and materials being measured. Even though the same measurement principle is
used, slight differences can be found, for instance, the different test time spans required when
performing measurements. According to ISO 11819-3:2017, related to the CPX method, the test
consists in rapidly, yet without shock, pressing the indenter against a tyre tread block and reading the
resulting Shore A value within 2 s (International Organization for Standardization, 2017b). In ISO
868:2003, used for control of material hardness, it is stated that for an instantaneous reading the
hardness value should be read within 1 s after the indenter establishes firm contact with the tested
surface. For ISO 48-4:2018 (International Organization for Standardization, 2018), used for
specification of material properties, the standard test time is 3 s for vulcanized rubber, which is a
compromise between an instantaneous value and a long enough time to establish equilibrium (Brown,
2006). The test times are arbitrary and other values could be used (Brown, 2006); however it is
important to report the test time used during measurements as this will affect the measured values.
The original idea for Shore hardness measurement was that it would be carried out with a portable
instrument. It is possible, however, to perform it using a stand, losing portability yet achieving better
precision (International Organization for Standardization, 2018). When it comes to hardness
measurement of tyres for the CPX method, it is more common that the instruments are handheld
rather than operated on a stand.
As all the tests performed here were performed by handheld instruments, the operator effect is
expected to be substantial and typical for Shore hardness measurements for pneumatic tyres,
especially used for CPX measurements. The experiments were planned to detect any remaining
differences between both instruments and operators, with all the instruments calibrated in
accordance with the standard and checked with a standard control block.
2.3 Uncertainty components and their relation to uncertainty in the CPX method
This paper describes the sources of variation and estimates their sizes. A measure has high accuracy if
the expectation of the measurements is close to the true value. ISO 5725-1:2003 (International
Organization for Standardization, 2003a) defines accuracy as "the closeness of agreement between a
test result and the accepted reference value" (page 7). The standard also adds that the term accuracy
"involves a combination of random components and a common systematic error or bias component"
(page 7). According to ISO 5725-1:2003 (International Organization for Standardization, 2003a)
precision is the general term for variability between repeated measurements and the "closeness of
agreement between independent test results obtained under stipulated conditions" (page 7). Still,
according to ISO-5725:2003, operator and equipment are included among the several other factors
that may contribute to variability (page 3). The variation can be separated into variance components
such as variation between operators and residual (error) variation. In this text, a measure is said to
have high uncertainty if it varies widely from one measurement to another on the same subject. This
uncertainty is a result of low accuracy and/or low precision.
Four different uncertainty components are listed in the uncertainty assessment of ISO 11819-3:2017
(International Organization for Standardization, 2017b) that contribute to the overall uncertainty of
the reference tyres, δt , according to Eq. 1:
where δ 1 is the uncertainty related to variation in noise levels between different tyre samples for tyres
of the same type, δ 2 is the uncertainty related to the change in tyre properties due to age and wear
which are not corrected by the hardness correction, δ 3 is the uncertainty related to the correction of
rubber hardness, and δ 4 is the uncertainty related to the correction for air temperature. The variation
component δ3 , as specified in ISO 11819-3:2017 (International Organization for Standardization,
2017b), is not separated into operator and instrument components, possibly describing only variation
when one operator or one type of instrument repeatedly tests the same object with the same
This paper focuses on the uncertainty component δ 3 . It should be highlighted that, according to ISO
11819-3:2017, this uncertainty component is affected by both the hardness and the uncertainty
related to the rubber hardness coefficient, , in accordance with Eq. 3, see section 4.6. However,
this paper is limited to uncertainties related to hardness measurements only. Thus, uncertainties in
the hardness coefficient are outside the scope of this investigation. Therefore, this paper does not
intend to provide an overall estimation of δ 3, but instead only to evaluate the variance related to
operator and instruments on the hardness measurement and how it affects the resulting noise levels.
The investigation presented in this paper can indicate whether the use of different instruments and
operators has a substantial effect on the hardness results. This, in turn, will indicate whether it would
be interesting to have a variance component exclusively for the hardness measurement or,
alternatively, if the method should be reformulated to remove such effects altogether. The Shore
hardness measurement for tyre tread elements should not be substantially affected by the instrument
nor by the operator. Such effects are undesirable as this would mean that the same tyre would be
estimated to have a different hardness and, consequently, different noise values depending on both
the operator that measured it and the instrument used.
2.4 The measurement time and hardness drift
Due to the viscoelastic behaviour of the rubber material in the tyre tread, the measurement time will
affect the resulting Shore value. The so-called hardness drift, which is the decrease in the measured
Shore hardness over time, was previously studied by Casa et al. (1995). The authors used a modified
instrument with a microcontroller to perform the tests and evaluate the hardness drift. They
concluded that this phenomenon could be modelled by a linear regression of hardness and the
logarithm of time (see Eq. 2). The slope of this regression, m, is always negative and reflects the
material relaxation over time. The intercept, H1 is the hardness value observed after 1 second.
3 Measurement method
To evaluate the Shore hardness of pneumatic tyres the procedure described in ISO 11819-3:2017
(International Organization for Standardization, 2017b, Annex A) was applied. Three different Shore
hardness instruments were used in this work, all complying with the requirements of ISO 868:2003
(International Organization for Standardization, 2003b). One of the instruments was digital and could
be programmed to make readings at a specified time, counted from the instant the instrument's
indenter was pressed against the rubber. The other two instruments were analogue and had two
moving hands that rotate on a fixed dial indicating the instantaneous hardness value and the
maximum hardness value.
Note that, according to the measurement procedure found in ISO 11819-3:2017, the Shore hardness
value "shall be read within 2 s after the presser foot has made contact with the tread" (International
Organization for Standardization, 2017b, p. 11). This means that both reading the value directly after
the instrument is pressed against the tyre tread and waiting two seconds before reading it are valid
procedures and in accordance with the standard. The digital instrument was adjusted to wait two
seconds after its needle has been pressed against the tyre tread before evaluating the Shore hardness.
This time delay was introduced to investigate if a systematic difference could be found. The other two
instruments that were analogue provided the readings directly, i.e. no waiting time between pressing
the indenter against the rubber surface and reading the hardness values.
Two different tyres were included in the experimental programme, the first being the Avon AV4 tyre
used as a reference tyre for the evaluation of tyre/pavement noise with the Close Proximity (CPX)
method. The measurement method was standardized according to ISO 11819-2:2017 (International
Organization for Standardization, 2017a) and the reference tyre according to ISO 11819-3:2017
(International Organization for Standardization, 2017b). The second tyre included was the non-
profiled PIARC test tyre (PIARC, 2009). This smooth tyre with no tread blocks was selected as it
eliminates the effect of the operators' task in positioning the hardness instrument foot over a large
enough area in order to perform the measurement. The Avon AV4 tyre used for CPX noise
measurements was selected since, in contrast to the PIARC tyre, it has thread blocks and is commonly
measured using the investigated methods. The two tyres together allow an evaluation of how the
tread blocks affect the measurements. The two tyres and their differences are shown in Figure 2.
Five different operators were selected to perform the measurements and evaluate how different
operators can affect the test result. The operators were selected at VTI, some of them having had
previous experience and familiarity with both the measurement instrument(s) and with the Shore
measurement method, while others performed the measurement for the first time. All operators also
performed measurements on a reference hardness plate to account for any potential difference in
instrument behaviour. The instruments used are shown in Figure 3 and the reference hardness plate
used for calibration of the instruments is shown in Figure 4.
The tests were performed under controlled temperature conditions and normalized to the reference
temperature of 20 °C in accordance with ISO 11819-3:2017 (International Organization for
Standardization, 2017b). The temperature was measured with an infrared thermometer before each
hardness measurement and at the same location where the operator would then position the
instrument to evaluate hardness. All the hardness instruments, the thermometer and the tyres were
conditioned in a tyre storage room with controlled temperature conditions. The nominal temperature
was 16 °C, which is within the acceptable temperature range of 20 °C ± 5 °C required by ISO 11819-
3:2017 (International Organization for Standardization, 2017b) and the observed temperature values
during the measurements were also within this temperature range. The results were then corrected
to a reference temperature of 20 °C by applying the temperature correction procedure found in ISO
11819-3:2017 (International Organization for Standardization, 2017b).
Figure 2. The two tyres used, the non-profiled PIARC reference tyre (left) and the H1 (Avon AV4) reference tyre for the CPX
method (right).
Figure 3. The three Shore hardness measurement instruments. Left from Bareiss, model HPE II, middle from Zwick Roell, model
3115, and right from Bareiss, model HP.
Figure 4. The hardness control test ring which has an outer diameter of approximately 18 mm and a nominal hardness of 60
Shore A.
For the hardness drift measurements, the procedure was identical, and in addition the test was filmed
allowing an evaluation of how the hardness values decrease over time. The Shore hardness values
were then sampled from the films every 0.3 seconds using a video editing software over a period of
10 s. For such tests only the digital instrument was used and only two operators performed the tests
on the same tyre. These tests were performed with a handheld instrument, in contrast to Casa et al.
(1995) who used a modified instrument. Due to this difference, the results here are not directly
comparable but the concept of hardness drift is the same.
4 Results
4.1 Standard Shore hardness measurements
Even though the tyres were under controlled temperature conditions, the effect of an operator
measuring and touching the tyre surface was enough to increase the surface temperature. This was
detectable by the temperature measurements, and it was observed that the tyres heated up to 3.2 °C
during measurements.
An Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to analyse temperature corrected hardness. Tyre and
Instrument were used as fixed factors while Operator was used as a random factor because the
operators included in the study can be seen as a sample from a distribution of possible operators.
Checking for interactions, it was found that instrument*operator and tyre*operator were significant
while other interactions were excluded from the model. The resulting R2 for this model was 0.966. The
analysis is summarised in Table 1.
Table 1.Temperature corrected hardness analysed with ANOVA
The mean values for instrument and operator are shown in Table 2, while the means for tyre and
operator are shown in Table 3.
Table 2. Mean values and margin means of hardness for combinations of instrument and operator
Table 3. Mean values and margin means of hardness for combinations of tyre and operator
Operators 2 to 5 had similar averages, while operator 1 had lower readings on average. The variance
component for operator was estimated to be 0.45 (Shore A)2 and was significantly greater than 0 (P <
0.001). Instruments 2 to 3 gave similar values, while instrument 1 gave about 4 units lower values on
average. The difference was significant (p< 0.001). There was also a significant difference between
tyres, but the presence in tyre main effects is regarded more as an adjustment in the analysis rather
than a result of this study.
The interaction pattern can also be seen in Table 2 and Table 3. The difference between instruments
was not the same for each operator which is shown as a significant interaction (p < 0.001). This was
the largest estimated effect with a variance component of 1.13 (Shore A)2. There was also a significant
operator*tyre interaction with an estimated variance component of 0.45 (Shore A)2 (p<0.001).
4.2 Difference in hardness between inner and outer rib
Hardness was measured on an inner and an outer position on each tyre at four equispaced points
around the tread, as specified in ISO 11819-3:2017 (International Organization for Standardization,
2017b). An analysis was carried out to compare these two positions. The response variable in this
analysis was the difference between the inner rib and the outer rib. The analysis was otherwise similar
to the one in section 4.1. There is a difference in 0.56 Shore A in average (p<0.001), where the inner
rib showed the highest values. The analysis showed no significant main effects, i.e. no effect from only
operator, instrument or tyre. There was however a complicated pattern of significant interactions,
where each two-factor interaction was significant. As an example, Table 4 shows how the mean
difference between inner and outer ribs varied for combinations of operator and tyre. The numbers
indicate that there was a difference in measured hardness between the inner and outer positions and
that the size of that difference varied between combinations of tyre and operator. The values also
averaged out to only a small variation in margin means.
Table 4. Mean values and margin means of difference between ribs for combinations of instrument and operator.
Another example is given in Table 5, showing the mean difference between inner and outer ribs for
combinations of tyre and instrument. There was variation in the combinations that averaged out to a
small difference between the margin means.
Table 5. Mean values and margin means of difference between inner and outer rib for tyres and instruments.
4.3 Number of measurements
The operators were allowed to repeat the measuring procedure until the acceptance criterion in ISO
11819-3:2017 was met, which means that four consecutive Shore hardness values did not differ more
than 2 Shore A units (International Organization for Standardization, 2017b). The number of
observations for combinations of operator*tyre*instrument varied from 32 to 146. An ANOVA with
number of measurements as response variable, but otherwise similar to the previous analysis, showed
a significant main effect of operator and significant operator*tyre interaction. The residuals in this
analysis were not close to having constant variance and normal distribution, which means that this
analysis was only approximate. The mean values for operator*tyre and the margin means are shown
in Table 6. The number of measurements were roughly the same for each cell except for tyre Avon
AV4 * operator 5, which was higher.
Table 6. Mean values and margin means of number of measurements.
4.4 Operator experience
The operators can be divided into three groups based on experience level: "beginners",
"intermediate" and "experienced". An analysis of hardness similar to the one above but with operator
replaced by group as a fixed factor and operator as random factor nested within group was used to
study if variation in operators could be partly explained by their experience level. This analysis did not
show a significant group effect and not any significant interaction involving group. The main effect for
operator was not significant but the main effect for instrument, the interaction
instrument*operator(group) and the interaction tyre*operator(group) remained significant.
4.5 Hardness drift measurements
The measurement results using the hardness drift method are presented in Figure 5. The two different
operators are identified as Op. 1 and Op. 2, and the following number identifies the measurement
number, e.g. Op. 2-3 is the third measurement carried out by operator 2. A base-2 logarithm was used
in the time axis, which translates 2 seconds into a value of 1 on the horizontal axis. Any values obtained
before 0.1 second after the instrument contacted the tread element were excluded from this analysis
as such values did not follow the same linear logarithm of time - hardness relationship used for all
other values.
Figure 5. Hardness drift results.
The resulting regression parameter estimates, including confidence intervals for each regression
coefficient, are presented in Table 7. All the regression coefficients were significant according to the
Table 7. Hardness drift statistical parameters from the regression analysis presented in Figure 5.
4.6 Implications to tyre/road noise measurement
The tyre/road noise levels measured by the CPX method have a correction term for the tyre hardness
(International Organization for Standardization, 2017b). The correction term, in dB, is a function
of the Shore A hardness value measured on the reference tyres as shown in Eq. 3:
where HA is the measured Shore A hardness, Href is the reference value of 66 Shore A and is the
rubber hardness coefficient, in dB/Shore A, which is 0.20 dB/Shore A for the tyre H1. The estimated
variance components for HA measurements are shown in Table 8.
Table 8. The variance components in terms of Shore A hardness
Estimated Variance Component for HA [(Shore A)2]
When measuring the hardness of a tyre, the measurement is carried out by a randomly sampled
operator, meaning that the measurement will include a sampled value from the distribution of
operator effects and from the interactions involving operator. The variation in hardness results
between operators led to an uncertainty in the correction coefficient . Given that a unit in
hardness corresponds to 0.2 units in noise correction, all variance components that included the
operator gave a combined uncertainty in noise level of 0.24 dB, while the residual variation was 0.14
dB, both expressed as standard deviations.
Instrument was a fixed factor in this analysis. Fixed factor effects are not usually called variance
components and Instrument is therefore not summarised with an estimated variance component in
Table 8. The sum of squared effects can be solved out in a similar way as the variance between random
factor effects and can thus be used to estimate the variance between the fixed factor levels. As a
comparison with the variance components, the estimated variation between instruments expressed
as standard deviation was 0.40 dB.
Because the operators in this study were sampled while tyre and instrument were not, it is not obvious
how one should answer a question like "What is the uncertainty if we sample a new observation with
an unknown operator and an unknown instrument?". One would need to carefully define which
source of variation to be included in the answer. The analysis can take into account observations made
by operators other than the five in this study but not for another instrument. Interactions with
operator and instrument act as sampled in one dimension but not the other. Instead of trying to show
uncertainty based on the estimated effects and components, the variation is shown in another way.
The sample standard deviation between all measurements of the Avon AV4 tyre and the PIARC was
2.55 and 2.30, respectively. These numbers, however, should be interpreted with care. They treat
both data sets as independent random samples while the data in fact do have dependencies and are
not random samples. Choosing another summary measure, like interquartile range, would give some
other numbers but would also be difficult to interpret because of the structures and dependencies in
the data even if the measures themselves are easy to calculate.
5 Discussion
5.1 Standard Shore Hardness measurements
The ANOVA indicated that the variables that significantly affected the hardness results were not only
the operator, but also the instrument and the tyre. Moreover, the analysis indicated a significant
interaction between instrument and operator as well as between operator and tyre. No other
interactions were found significant. For operator, the estimated variance component was 0.45 (Shore
A)2 . The operator effect can be explained by the difficulties in positioning the instrument and indenting
the tyre in a repeatable way. The handheld instruments are difficult to be steadily holden and can
easily be tilted during the measurement. The operator can also affect the speed and force with which
the instrument is pressed against the tyre, thus further influencing the result.
As to the number of measurements that each operator performed before meeting the acceptance
criterium according to ISO 11819-3:2017 (International Organization for Standardization, 2017b), the
results show significant operator main effects. A significant interaction between operator and tyre
was also found. The combination of operator 5 and tyre Avon AV4 had a greater number of
measurements than the rest. This is not surprising as the AV4 tyre has a more complicated tread
pattern compared to the PIARC tyre, which has no tread pattern. This leads to a difficulty in positioning
the indenter and performing repeatable tests. This is, of course, the commonest case, as most
commercial tyres used for regular road traffic have a tread pattern.
There were significant operator effects on the measured hardness. When adding experience group,
there were significant operator effects within groups but no significant group effects. Similar results
were found for interaction between operator and instrument. This interaction was significant, but if
experience group was added to the model, the interaction between operator within group and
instrument was significant while the interaction between group and instrument was not. The same
result was also seen for interaction between operator and tyre. These results indicate that there is a
variation between operators and interactions with operators but none of these appears to be
explained by variation in experience.
Regarding the instrument variation, one instrument was digital while the other two were analogue.
The digital instrument gave lower results compared to the other two instruments, and also
significantly different. As the digital instrument evaluated the hardness value at exactly 2 seconds
after contacting the tyre surface, it is likely that the measuring time was more accurately followed.
The other instruments, however, can measure only the instant and maximum value, which were more
easily influenced by how the operator pressed it against the tyre.
Concerning the two significant two-factor interactions, the largest one was between instrument and
operator, with an estimated variance component of 1.13 (Shore A)2. The other significant interaction
was between operator and tyre, having an estimated variance component of 0.45 (Shore A)2, which
was comparable to the operator effect.
5.2 Difference in hardness between inner and outer ribs
The differences between measurements on inner and outer ribs had only two-factor interactions as
significant explanatory variables. As interactions but no main effect was detected here, it means that
certain combinations of tyre, operator and instrument led to an increase in variance that can't be
explained by the sum of tyre effects, operator nor instrument effects. The reason for these differences
requires further studies.
5.3 Hardness drift
The hardness drift analysis indicated that the Shore hardness measured on tyres follows a linear
relationship with log-transformed time. To obtain this linear relationship all the datapoints recorded
within the first 0.1 seconds were excluded from the analysis, which is not an important information
loss because the focus was to look at the measured result in the proximity of 2 seconds. This was
necessary as the initial values did not follow the linear relationship and were not representative of the
hardness drift. The hardness data obtained by the regressions did not result, however, in much more
stable results. There was a substantial variation between the regression lines and a smaller variation
of values around these lines. If the hardness were to be measured at a given time, one observation
can be made at that time. Otherwise many observations can be taken in the proximity of that time
and all data in that proximity can be used in an estimate of the value for that specified time. For a
given time (for example 2 seconds, shown with a vertical line in Figure 5), the variation in the vertical
direction becomes an indication of uncertainty in the measured values. If the lines were similar and
the observations were more varying, it would be beneficial to use the values of the lines at 2 seconds.
With the results obtained here, the variation between the regression lines was much larger than the
variation around these lines. Therefore, it is not a large gain in precision to use data in a proximity of
2 seconds rather than to use only the observation at exactly 2 seconds. However, it is known that tyre
ageing affects rubber hardness (International Organization for Standardization, 2017b). Hence, a more
comprehensive characterization of the rubber material, by means of the drift slopes, could be useful
to better describe this change in hardness.
5.4 Effect on CPX measurements
The analysis of the uncertainty of the hardness correction factor, (Error! Reference source not
found.), gave uncertainty components for operator influence, instrument influence and a residual.
The typical value for the uncertainty in the correction for tyre hardness for the H1 tyre (Avon AV4) is
0.2 dB according to ISO 11819-3:2017 (International Organization for Standardization, 2017b).
Comparing this value to the uncertainties obtained in this investigation, it can be seen that the typical
values in the standard are somewhat lower. When instead comparing either the operator uncertainty
(0.24 dB) or the instrument uncertainty (0.40 dB) components, there was a substantial difference from
the typical value in the standard. As to the residual component (0.14 dB), this was lower than the
uncertainty given in the standard. Overall, the results here indicate that the typical values in the
standard underestimates the variability related to Shore A hardness measurements when also taking
the variation between instruments and between operators into consideration. This can be partially
explained as the tests were made both with a digital and two analogue instruments. With analogue
instruments, the maximum value is usually taken during measurements. Those maximum values had
to be excluded from the hardness drift analysis as they were shown to be different from the
subsequent values.
6 Conclusions
This paper investigated both operator and instrument influences on Shore A hardness measurements
of pneumatic tyres, as well as the implications to tyre/pavement noise measurements with the CPX
method. Additionally, the concept of hardness drift was explored, even though with a reduced number
of experiments, to check if it is also observable when measuring pneumatic tyres and if it could be
used to reduce the uncertainty. This is a limited study in the sense that instrument was a fixed factor
in the analysis and that the number of operators and tyres are limited. Still, relevant conclusions
regarding the influence of the operator and the instrument on the Shore hardness measurement are
shown, leading to implications in the CPX method for measuring tyre/road noise.
The results showed significant main effects for the operator, the instrument and the tyres. Two
significant two-factor interactions between instrument*operator and operator*tyre were also found.
The variance components observed here were greater than the typical total variance related to the
Shore A hardness measurement reported in ISO 11819-3:2017 (International Organization for
Standardization, 2017b). This suggests a re-examination of such values in the standard.
The operators had different levels of experience, and the effect of grouping operators by experience
levels was attempted to explain the number of measurements required to reach the acceptance
criterium (4 measurements within +/- 2 Shore A). No significant effect was found, meaning that a
higher experience level did not contribute to reaching this acceptance criterion with fewer
A hardness drift was detectable for the hardness measurement of tyres. The slope of this drift was not
always the same and varied both between individual measurements taken by the same operator, as
well as between operators. This can be further studied and possibly useful to characterize tyre ageing.
The initial (and thus maximum) values of hardness measurements are different from the subsequent
values and should therefore not be used. Therefore, it is not recommended to use instantaneous nor
maximum readings. A suggestion regarding the procedure described in ISO 11819-3:2017 is to specify
the measuring time more strictly. Instead of accepting a reading "within 2 s after the presser foot has
made contact with the tread" (International Organization for Standardization, 2017b, p. 11), the
reading should be taken at a specific time, e.g. 2 s.
The authors find it challenging to suggest how to lower the variation components connected to the
operator without changing the current standardized procedure. This may include extended
learning/exercises for the operators; however as pointed out here, it is hard to judge the experience
level. It is likely that using an instrument stand is the most efficient way to reduce these components.
Therefore, it is also suggested that this be implemented in setting the standard. There was also a large
variation between instruments, but that is more easily reduced by specifying the measuring time and
not taking maximum or instantaneous values.
The first and second author's work was part of their PhD programme, which was sponsored by the
Swedish Transport Administration and by VTI. The authors would like to thank Dr Piotr Mioduszewski
from the Gdańsk University of Technology (TUG) and Lykke Iversen from the Danish Road Directorate
(DRD) for lending their hardness measurement instruments to be used in the tests presented here.
The authors would also like to thank Maria Polukarova, Lisa Ydrefors and Mikael Bladlund (all VTI),
who helped with the measurements.
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Credit Author Statement
We, the authors, declare that the contribution of each author, according was as follows:
Tiago Vieira: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Investigation, Writing – Original Draft,
Writing – Review & Editing, Visualization.
Joacim Lundberg: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Investigation, Writing – Original Draft,
Writing – Review & Editing, Visualization.
Olle Eriksson: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing –
Original Draft, Writing – Review & Editing, Visualization.
Declaration of interests
☒ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal
relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
☐The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be
considered as potential competing interests:
The hardness drift is observed when measuring Shore hardness on pneumatic tyres
Both operator and instrument have significant impact on shore hardness results
Instantaneous shore hardness values should not be considered
... Mätprogrammet inkluderade två däck, fem operatörer och tre instrument. För fler detaljer se Vieira et al. (2020a) och Vieira (2020). ...
... As indicated by Brown [41], the test results are affected by the operator, the time of application, and the deviations from perfectly elastic despite correct calibration and measurements according to the standard testing procedure. Spetz [42] examined the repeatability of hardness measurements on rubber materials and concluded that the operator was the main source of variability [43]. Thus, during the indentation experiments, hardness changes not only with the hold time but also with loading and unloading rate [44]. ...
The degradation of polymeric components is of considerable interest to the nuclear industry and its regulatory bodies. The objective of this work was the development of a methodology to determine the useful life—based on the storage temperature—of acrylonitrile O-rings used as mechanical sealing elements to prevent leakages in nuclear equipment. To this aim, a reliability-based approach that allows prediction of the use-suitability of different storage scenarios (that involve different storage times and temperatures) considering the further required in-service performance, is presented. Thus, experimental measurements of Shore A hardness have been correlated with storage variables (temperature and storage time). The storage (and its associated hardening) was proved to have a direct effect on in-service durability, reducing this by up to 60.40%. Based on this model, the inservice performance was predicted; after the first three years of operation the increase in probability of failure (POF) was practically insignificant. Nevertheless, from this point on, and especially, from 5 years of operation, the POF increased from 10% to 20% at approximately 6 years (for new and stored). From the study, it was verified that for any of the analysis scenarios, the limit established criterion was above that of the storage time premise considered in usual nuclear industry practices. The novelty of this work is that from a non-destructive test, like a Shore A hardness measurement, the useful life and reliability of O-rings can be estimated and be, accordingly, a decision tool that allows for improvement in the management of maintenance of safety-related equipment. Finally, it was proved that the storage strategies of our nuclear power plants are successful, perfectly meeting the expectations of suitability and functionality of the components when they are installed after storage.
- Prashant N. Awachat
- Vinayak Dakre
To decide genuinity of any measured value, one must know the values of various uncertainties related to the measuring instrument. The uncertainty depends upon type construction and condition of measuring instrument, it is also influenced by the measurement process. The condition of the instrument and its handling contribute to a greater extent in deciding the accuracy of results obtained. In the present investigation, an attempt is made to find out the value of various uncertainties associated with the charpy impact testing instrument. The instrument is used to find out the toughness of material which is one of the most important properties of a material. Hence, it very much essential to know the values of various uncertainties related to the charpy impact testing instrument. The various factors responsible for measurement uncertainty in Charpy impact testing was identified. After identification, uncertainty (vulnerability) associated with various parameters of Charpy impact testing was estimated by the standard method given in guideline for uncertainty measurement (GUM) handbook. Both type A and B uncertainty value are calculated and reported in the paper. Also, a detailed analysis is carried out to get the value of overall uncertainty and method for reducing uncertainty is described in the paper.
Recent studies have provided for substantial improvements to measurements made by the Close-Proximity (CPX) method, intended for measurement of noise properties of road surfaces. These new findings were incorporated in the new standards published in 2017: the ISO 11819-2 (the CPX method) and Technical Specifications 11819-3 (about the reference tyres) as well as 13471-1 (about temperature corrections). This study, firstly, investigates the typical uncertainties associated with speed, ambient temperature and rubber hardness corrections. Secondly, the study evaluates to what degree the new standards improved the measurement method's repeatability by evaluating measurements that were undertaken on the same road surface at different times. Thirdly, the paper assesses the method's ability to predict the effect of road surfaces on roadside traffic noise by analysing the relationship with statistical pass-by measurements (SPB) undertaken on a large number of road surfaces within the same time frame. The study shows that the repeatability of CPX-measurements could be significantly improved by the new ISO standards, while some uncertainties associated with the properties of the test tyres remain. The study, moreover, provides evidence that overall and spectral road side traffic noise emissions can be reliably predicted by the CPX-method.
When assessing the acoustic quality of a road pavement with the close-proximity (CPX) or the on-board sound intensity (OBSI) method, the rubber hardness of the reference tire substantially affects the measurement. Practical experience shows that measurement tires can get significantly harder within a single measurement season. This is why one would like to normalize measurements to a reference rubber hardness. The recently published technical specification defining the reference tires for CPX measurements (ISO/TS 11819-3), therefore, includes a new correction for tire rubber hardness. Early experiences with this new correction procedure raised questions about its accuracy. This paper takes an in-depth look on the influence of tire rubber hardness on CPX measurements for both reference tires P1 and H1. It analyses existing and new data and summarizes the research from several scientific contributions on this topic. It provides evidence that the effect of rubber hardness is tire specific and that separate correction factors for the P1 and the H1 tires lead to accuracy gains and improved repeatability and reproducibility of the method. The study concludes by proposing a revised tire-specific approach for the tire rubber hardness correction of CPX measurement results.
Due to improvements in combustion-engines and use of electric-engines for cars, tyre noise has become the prominent noise source also at lower speeds. Models exist that simulate the noise produced by a rolling tyre, as do models that auralize different traffic situations from basic data. In this paper, a novel auralization method is introduced, with the purpose to enable synthesis of useful car pass-by sound signals for various situations. The method is based on an established model for tyre noise levels (SPERoN) that is combined with a validated auralization tool (LISTEN). In the LISTEN approach, source signals for tyre–road interaction and propulsion are produced from data based on recorded pass-by sounds. In the combined model, the tyre–road interaction data is shaped by the spectra estimated in SPERoN and synthesized back into a pass-by signal. The combined model is made to agree spectrally with measurements for a receiver at 7.5 m distance. Psychoacoustic judgments were used to compare the modelled signals with recorded signals, and the pass-by sounds for a given listener position showed promising quality and accuracy with respect to perceived pleasantness.
- Ulf Sandberg
During its lifetime a tyre undergoes degradations due to mechanical wear and chemical ageing which affect not only durability and safety but also tyre/road noise emission. A parameter used to describe the noise-relevant ageing effect is tread rubber hardness expressed as Shore A values. During a tyre's lifetime, the rubber hardness of individual tyres may increase by up to 15 Shore A, which is equally large as new tyres may differ in hardness due to construction and material design. The hardness increase usually results in a noise emission increase, mainly at high frequencies; often up to 2-2.5 dB(A) in overall level per 10 units of Shore A increase. This means, e.g., that ageing of reference tyres must be avoided. Further, hardness is one of the most influential parameters when quieter tyres are designed. Finally, road traffic noise may be reduced if tyre ageing can be limited.
Recently, new reference test tyres have been specified by the ISO to be used for tyre/road noise measurements with the close-proximity (CPX) method. Various studies have provided evidence that tyre ageing is accompanied by significant and continuous changes in the noise emission properties. It is therefore essential to consider the changing state of reference tyres when carrying out tyre/road noise measurements using the CPX method. A reliable quantification of these ageing effects and their influence on noise emission levels requires that individual reference tyre sets are monitored over time. This study aims at investigating the ageing process of the new reference tyres SRTT and Avon AV4 during one measurement season. Measurements, which test the indentation resistance of tyre rubber with the type A durometer, were repeated on a monthly basis. This revealed substantial increases in rubber hardness during the 2012 measurement season, exceeding 3 units Shore A for the SRTT tyre and 6 units Shore A for the Avon AV4 tyre. This corresponded with a considerable rise in noise levels, suggesting that tyre ageing is a primary influencing factor when carrying out tyre/road noise measurements using the CPX method. The study provides a simple tyre specific model for estimating rubber hardness changes based on the number of measurement days. The evaluation of temperature data suggested that, due to the physical and environmental strain on in-service tyres, usage influences tyre ageing to a larger extent than standardised operational storage conditions. The data implies, moreover, that individual corrections for the CPX reference tyres SRTT and Avon AV4 are needed.
The present paper introduces a simple method to predict the modulus of elasticity and the hardness of polymeric materials that range from soft elastomers to hard plastics. Hertzian elastic impact model is used to define the relationship between the contact time duration and the maximum force of normal contact due to the impact of a hard sphere indenter with the tested polymer sample. It is shown that the adopted model and experimental method can be used as a tool for extracting the magnitude of the complex modulus of elasticity. Moreover, a new impact index is shown to be proportional to the polymer shore hardness. Theoretical and experimental results based on the force-time signals are consistent and show good correlation.
- Reinhard Wehr
- Claus Aichinger
For the determination of the road surface influences on tyre/road noise, the standard ISO 11819-2 (International Organization for Standardization, 2017), also called "CPX-method" is used. There, tyre/road noise is measured with a dedicated measurement trailer and tyre. As various parameters, such as temperature, trailer design, shore hardness of the tyre, etc. have significant influences on the CPX levels, correction procedures to address these are described in the standard. Where currently the air temperature and the shore A hardness, measured under laboratory conditions, are used, a different approach is presented in this paper. Here, the tyre temperature is measured during the measurement run, and subsequently calculated to the in-situ shore A hardness. As this is assumed to be the dominating influence on tyre/road noise emission, a direct correlation between the in situ shore A hardness and the CPX levels is performed. Extensive measurements are presented, and the different correction procedures are analysed with regard to their repeatability. It will be shown that, within the limitations of the measurement setup, the combined correction of temperature and shore A hardness is feasible and may support the further development of the CPX method.
- Tan Li
- Ricardo Burdisso
- Corina Sandu
Tire-pavement interaction noise (TPIN) becomes dominant at speeds above 40 km/h for passenger vehicles and 70 km/h for trucks. Several models have been developed to describe and predict the TPIN. However, these models do not fully reveal the physical mechanisms or predict TPIN accurately. It is well known that all the models have both strengths and weaknesses, and different models fit different investigation purposes or conditions. The numerous papers that present these models are widely scattered among thousands of journals, and it is difficult to get the complete picture of the status of research in this area. This review article aims at presenting the history and current state of TPIN models systematically, making it easier to identify and distribute the key knowledge and opinions, and providing insight into the future research trend in this field. In this work, over 2000 references related to TPIN were collected, and 74 models were reviewed from nearly 200 selected references; these were categorized into deterministic models (37), statistical models (18), and hybrid models (19). The sections explaining the models are self-contained with key principles, equations, and illustrations included. The deterministic models were divided into three sub-categories: conventional physics models, finite element and boundary element models, and computational fluid dynamics models; the statistical models were divided into three sub-categories: traditional regression models, principal component analysis models, and fuzzy curve-fitting models; the hybrid models were divided into three sub-categories: tire-pavement interface models, mechanism separation models, and noise propagation models. At the end of each category of models, a summary table is presented to compare these models with the key information extracted. Readers may refer to these tables to find models of their interest. The strengths and weaknesses of the models in different categories were then analyzed. Finally, the modeling trend and future direction in this area are given.
- A. N. Gent
This chapter describes basic concepts and behavior associated with rubber elasticity. The single most important property of elastomers is their ability to undergo large elastic deformations, that is, to stretch and return to their original shape in a reversible way. The essential requirement for a substance to be rubbery is that it consists of long flexible chainlike molecules. Some type of permanent structure is necessary to form a coherent solid and prevent liquid like flow of elastomer molecules. This requirement is usually met by incorporating a small number of intermolecular chemical bonds (crosslinks) to make a loose three-dimensional molecular network. Such crosslinks are generally assumed to form in the most probable positions, that is, so that the long sections of molecules between them have the same spectrum of end-to-end lengths as a similar set of un-cross linked molecules would have.
- H.J. Qi
- K. Joyce
- Mary C. Boyce
The Durometer hardness test is one of the most commonly used measurements to qualitatively assess and compare the mechanical behavior of elastomeric and elastomeric-like materials. This paper presents nonlinear finite element simulations of hardness tests which act to provide a mapping of measured Durometer Shore A and D values to the stress-strain behavior of elastomers. In the simulations, the nonlinear stress-strain behavior of the elastomers is first represented using the Gaussian (neo-Hookean) constitutive model. The predictive capability of the simulations is verified by comparison of calculated conversions of Shore A to Shore D values with the guideline conversion chart in ASTM D2240. The simulation results are then used to determine the relationship between the neo-Hookean elastic modulus and Shore A and Shore D values. The simulation results show the elastomer to undergo locally large deformations during hardness testing. In order to assess the potential role of the limiting extensibility of the elastomer on the hardness measurement, simulations are conducted where the elastomer is represented by the non-Gaussian Arruda-Boyce constitutive model. The limiting extensibility is found to predict a higher hardness value for a material with a given initial modulus. This effect is pronounced as the limiting extensibility decreases to less than 5 and eliminates the one-to-one mapping of hardness to modulus. However, the durometer hardness test still can be used as a reasonable approximation of the initial neo-Hookean modulus unless the limiting extensibility is known to be small as is the case in many materials, such as some elastomers and most soft biological tissues.
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